Back to school means many different things. For me, it’s a time when my life re-centers around routine. Summer camp is over. Kids are back to school. I go back to work (after being on maternity leave). We have a schedule, and it enables me time to catch up on all I missed over the summer. Such as self-care. Self-care is vital to ensure we stay as healthy as possible, emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally. It can be incredibly difficult to find the time to do our daily tasks AND take care of ourselves. Which is why I wanted to provide this important information so that your physical well-being is accounted for.
Preventative health screenings are covered under insurance. It is VITAL that you take advantage of the opportunity to get checked out. Make the time, schedule the appointment. For instance, colorectal cancer screening beginning at 50 years old is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to reduce a person’s risk of getting colon cancer. Despite this fact, only 25% of adults age 50-64 in the U.S. and fewer then 40% of adults 65 and older in the U.S. get the screening. Please review the screening recommendations below and schedule your appointment with your healthcare provider if you are due.
These guidelines are for patients of average risk. If you have higher than average risk ask your provider if you need testing earlier or more often. Talk to your provider if:
- you may need vaccinations.
- have a family history of cancer, stroke. diabetes, heart disease or stroke.
- you are physically inactive.
- you are overweight.
- you smoke cigarettes, have smoked cigarettes in the past, and/or are exposed to secondhand smoke.
Recommended tests
- Body Mass Index: at each routine visit, 20-65+ years old.
- Blood Pressure: at each routine visit, 20-65+ years old.
- Cholesterol Test: every 5 years from 20-65+ years old.
- Blood Glucose (sugar): every 3 years from 45+ years old.
- Colon Cancer Testing: every 1-10 years from age 50 on. Ask your provider for details.
- Mammogram: from age 40-49 years old ask your provider. From age 50-64 every 1-2 years. For 65+ ask your provider.
- Pap Test: from age 20-65+ every 1-5 years, ask your provider for details.
- Hepatitis C: one time screening for those born between 1945-1965.
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has a great tool to determine what tests you need based on your age, gender and if you’re pregnant. You can find the tool by clicking the picture below.
If you’d like to schedule an appointment with me (Dr. McMurry) and review your preventative treatment options by telemedicine please go to: Requests for corporate wellness educational talks and/or employee appointments can be sent to
- US Preventative Task Force. Screenings.
- Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Frequently Asked Questions About Colorectal Cancer. Atlanta, GA: 2011.
- Healthy Aging Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Clinical Preventive Services. Atlanta, GA: 2011.